Monday, September 17, 2012

The Weirdos: Joyce

There are so many things wrong with her I don't even know where to start.  She lives in the geezer building, by that I mean 50+ geezers all live there.  I'm not 100% sure on how old Joyce actually is because she like Cookie likes to lay out in summer and tan the leather hide.  Except Joyce does it in skimpy bikinis that should be reserved for people half her age.  I just threw up in my mouth a little thinking about that visual. ((shudder))  
One thing I do know about Joyce is that she is one of the most unfriendly people I've ever met in my life.  Ran into her once at the community mailbox and I smiled and said "Hi" she looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language or had snakes coming out of my head. The best part was that she said nothing- though another neighbor said she had a similar experience with Joyce too.  I have made it a point to pretend she isn't even there whenever I do see her now.  Fuck it. Weirdo.

She also walks like she just got done at the gang bang.  I mean, its possible she's getting gang banged in her spare time, who knows.  It just bothers me that a person walks around looking like they spent 9 hours riding a horse.  Get some leg braces or something for your rickets. 
I've heard she is a teacher or something.  I hope she teaches gym class because she is a fucking dolt.  At the annual meetings she's attended she can barely put together a coherent sentence. Sometimes I'm surprised she doesn't fall down more.  

The worst is when I saw her at the grocery store.  Again I just pretended I she wasn't there, or I didn't know her.  She was two people behind me, and she apparently was so tired from getting gang banged all day that she couldn't bear to hold her basket any longer and started moving the person's food that was in line behind me to make room for hers on the checkout lane.  She mumbled something to that person like 'Imma just move yer stuff.'  Like she gave a shit if they minded?  Good thing she wasn't moving my stuff because I'd have punched her in the face right there at the checkout in front of the bag boy and everything.


  1. She'll be hot when she is rotting in hell with the rest of the evil people that live here.
